Why Carbon Removals?
To save our planet, and our future, we need to rethink how we approach our climate goals.
Carbon emissions reductions are essential, but not enough. Developing carbon removals could do more than stop the damage. It could reverse it.
So let's get started. Today.
Reductions are not enough.
Across the world, we need to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and slash our CO2 emissions. Our way of life depends on it.
But even if we stop all emissions tomorrow, the CO2 already in the world’s atmosphere will still be at dangerously high levels.
Only carbon removals get rid of historic carbon dioxide emissions.
There’s still time to avoid the worst of the damage from global warming – if the world achieves and sustains net negative CO2 emissions.
But the emerging CDR industry will need to grow by around six times its current size to meet the science-based goals the world has set.
Supporting sustainability goals.
From shipping and aviation to mining and manufacturing, many sectors are still unable to completely decarbonize. And they're responsible for around 25% of the world’s energy consumption and 20% of total CO2 emissions.
These, and other hard-to-abate sectors, have sustainability at heart. We can help them.

Breaking the carbon cycle
BECCS is a powerful tool for trapping and permanently removing biogenic carbon. It works alongside natural processes, producing bioenergy from sustainably managed forests.
BECCS also captures the resultant CO2 and stores it deep underground in geological formations – sustainably and permanently.
Why now?
The world urgently needs even more organizations to act.
Investing in carbon removals now doesn’t just give your company tangible ways to meet its net zero goals – it also helps grow the market and encourages further innovation.