Raising the bar.

Let’s clear the air about industry standards.

We support tighter industry standards that help buyers identify the high integrity CDRs delivering the climate benefits they promise.

Birds flying over water


We capture CO2 and store it underground for thousands of years, with virtually no risk of reversal.

Sustainable development

We believe in creating positive outcomes for the climate, nature, and people.

Robust quantification

We'll ensure that independent third parties accurately measure, using proven scientific methods, every tonne of CO2 we remove from the air, capture then store safely underground.

Additional benefits

BECCS delivers on the principle of 'additionality' because it reduces greenhouse emissions in a way that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.


Reliable tracking, transparent reporting, and independent validation all contribute to the high integrity of our Carbon Removals - the credits associated with the BECCS process.

Delivered by BECCS

Our approach to tackling climate change through Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) will create high integrity carbon removals.


We quantify net-negative carbon removals from BECCS by assessing the CO2 we capture, deducting supply chain and storage-related emissions, and considering any "leakage" impacts. 

Our approach is robust and conservative, ensuring verified BECCS CDRs - our Carbon Removals - are genuinely net negative.


We hold ourselves accountable to robust guidelines that ensure our biomass comes from sustainable sources, like stable or growing forests, avoiding areas with high biodiversity. We also assess and address any potential environmental or social risks.

Colleagues in discussion


We plan to register our credits with a major player in the industry. After the adoption of our methodology, our Carbon Removals credits will undergo independent verification to ensure they meet all standard requirements. And we'll have strong governance to prevent double counting.

Be a change maker.

To tackle climate change, we need to work together - starting today.  


We're building a coalition of CDR buyers, engineers, environmentalists, communities, investors and innovators. 

Not just to reduce emissions, but to remove them. 


So get in touch.